My Personal Experiences - Part 2: The EVP

Let's just get this out of the way: yes , I know ghost hunting is a pseudoscience. No, I don't fully buy into it, just like I don't fully buy into the popular UFOlogical or cryptozoological lore. Most ghost photos are reflections, most "orbs" (especially orbs. Like, 99% of orbs) are specs of dust, and most EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena, or audio recordings of ghosts) recordings are the results of pareidolia: essentially, the misidentification of something mundane as significant in some way. Most recordings alleged by ghost hunters to be voices of the dead end up having earthly explanations. I'm especially unimpressed with recordings not taken in a controlled environment. If you're talking, moving, or shuffling around, your recorder is going to pick up all sorts of random sounds and white noise that you might not pick up on in the moment. Generally, if you're having to guess at what's being said, it's probably not worth scrutiny. EVPs that ar...